The Hebel Consulting Group is a global company providing consulting services for the biopharmaceutical industry supported by offices in the US and Germany.
We create a unique process for each client to ensure that business objectives are met and success is achieved.
  • 22 Wingreen Loop, The Hills, TX 78738. USA
  • (713)857-4103
  • (281)-799-3283
from Pharmatimes by Kevin Grogan The European Commission and the European pharmaceutical industry have linked up to launch a 280 million euro call for proposals under the Innovative Medicines Initiative to boost Ebola research. The funding will cover “urgent actions addressing the current epidemic and put in place a long-term strategy to manage any future […]
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Hebel Consulting
from Newsworks by Jessica McDonald Without any effective treatments for Ebola, health officials in West Africa are in desperate need of a vaccine to keep the virus from spreading. Stepping into that void, among others, is Inovio Pharmaceuticals of Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania. President and CEO of Inovio, Joseph Kim, said beginning early next year their […]
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